Meet our Cats

(Check back daily for more panthers as they’re added!)

  • Amilyn

    9 month old male

    Amilyn is an original when it comes to being beautiful and full of seductive darkness! He imagines a future for himself where is quite the man about town, charming everyone and enticing them to shower him with gifts and affection.

  • Spike

    9 month old male

    Spike may be a little shy at first but under the cover of darkness, he comes alive! Always looking for a good time, he often finds himself the suspect in many unsavory investigations. A life of crime is much more exciting for a panther like Spike, but he has promised us that once he gets his furever family, he plans to settle down and become a respectable member of society. Oh and legally we have to say that Spike is innocent until proven guilty.

  • Molly

    1 year old female


    Molly doesn't sell muscles and cockles all the live-long day, nor is she from Ireland. She is, however interested in a career in retail merchandising. She thinks most retailers have the priorities all wrong and thinks she has a much better handle on what shoppers want. She also has a keen interest in home reorganization!

  • Abracadabra

    1 year old male

    Abracadabra started a coven at his last shelter, and brought a few of the members with him to House of Black Cat Magic. One of his favorite rituals is making spell jars, which is very convenient as we have all the supplies right out in the store-front! He also enjoys a few stereotypical orange cat activities, such as performing acrobatics shows, chasing invisible things, and cracking corny jokes.

  • Lola

    2 year old female


    Lola unlike her daughter, Molly, is more interested in the inner workings of various things. She enjoys accounting, scheduling, and basically upper management details. She cares not what others might think but is instead focused on efficiency. She and Molly could easily make any home (or business) more appealing, efficient, and well-run!

  • Luna

    5 year old female

    Luna has a bit of moon goddess energy going on and is all about doing some shadow work. Or maybe she just enjoys chasing things the rest of us can't see. Either way, she's a unique lady that can only help anyone who engages with her improve their life path.

  • Geronimo

    9 year old male

    Geronimo is a seasoned painter, professionally trained at Université de Sorbonne à Paris. He prefers to paint landscapes, but if you ask him really nicely, he might be persuaded to do a commissioned portrait (as long as you have sufficient funds to pay him generously). His favorite classical artist is Henri Matisse.

  • Mimsy

    1 year old female

    Mimsy rhymes with whimsy, she is certainly more whimsical than she is prim and uninteresting. Mimsy is considering a career as a floral designer, or possibly interior designer that is cat specific. Quiet and unassuming but with a wildly creative side, that's our Mimsy.

  • Pico

    8 month old female

    Special Needs

    Pico, a former Pawkette dancer, was forced to retire early due to her hip issues. Apparently it wasn't "on brand" for her to pee a little on stage when she kicked her leg up during their infamous closing routine. She was pretty downtrodden when her dream career went down the drain, but now she's found a new calling! Pico is hoping to become a trophy wife so she can be adored, fanned with giant leaves, and eat bon-bons all day without the pressure of being anything other than her purrfect self!

  • Cosmic Egg

    2 year old male

    Cosmic Egg is, well, cosmic. It's as though he contains all the vast mysteries of the universe. Or it could just be that he knows secrets, like how to grow the best catnip. It's hard to say. Either way, this boy is special & mysterious!