Meet our Cats

(Check back daily for more panthers as they’re added!)

  • Mr. Birthright Citizenship

    7 month old male

    Mister was outraged to learn that certain government officials would deny him his citizenship rights just because no one knows who his parents are or where they were from. He intends to pursue a career as an attorney specializing in corruption and immigration rights for cats. He is still conducting a search for a reputable college that will accept cats as students for in-person studies.

  • Carmilla

    8 month old female

    Carmilla has taken her namesake to heart a little TOO much. She hopes to grow up to be a vampurrr, the familiar to a real vampire! Before you say anything, we know. We've tried. We gotta treat this like Santa, ok? Just let her tiny black heart believe!

  • A Boy Named Cathleen

    ADOPTION PENDING - 6 month old male

    A Boy Named Cathleen, brother to Allison, is considering a more staid life that revolves around delicious food, lots of lovely places to sun and stretch. He recently developed an interest in yoga and may opt to pursue a career as instructor.

  • Amilyn

    6 month old male

    Amilyn is an original when it comes to being beautiful and full of seductive darkness! He imagines a future for himself where is quite the man about town, charming everyone and enticing them to shower him with gifts and affection.

  • Reno

    1 year old female

    Reno is quite the mover & shaker or the operator depending on your perspective. She thinks the perfect scam, er, career for herself is as a broker of purloined event tickets. While this may sound a tad shady, she intends to use the profits to improve the lives of cats everywhere.

  • Spike

    8 month old male

    Spike may be a little shy at first but under the cover of darkness, he comes alive! Always looking for a good time, he often finds himself the suspect in many unsavory investigations. A life of crime is much more exciting for a panther like Spike, but he has promised us that once he gets his furever family, he plans to settle down and become a respectable member of society. Oh and legally we have to say that Spike is innocent until proven guilty.

  • Theia

    ADOPTION PENDING - 1 year old female

    Theia fancies herself a creature of luxury and privilege who is waited on hand & paw. She thinks the perfect day involves string, bouncy-springy things, sunbathing, and of course, the consumption of cat-safe bonbons!

  • Symon

    1 year old male

    Symon fancies himself a game master and would prefer that you do as he says. But frankly, he is so chill and not at all invested in controlling things that a different career path is probably in order. He also enjoys jazz, and the occasional fine cognac.

  • Mud

    9 month old male

    This big handsome boy requested 'Mud' as his new name at intake, and we did not dare question why, as his intelligence obviously spans beyond that of us mere humans. He has an affinity for snuggles and pets, and is very proud of his ability to connect with any human (or cat) that comes his way. Mud has also been contemplating opening up a bakery to serve his famous biscuits to the masses. He's a busy little guy.