Welcome to House of Black Cat Magic

Welcome to the blog for House of Black Cat Magic –

Paws for Tails!

Each week we will feature stories from the space where black cat rescue and magical practice intersect. House of Black Cat Magic (HBCM) works in conjunction with Binx’s Home for Black Cats, the non-profit rescue organization that oversees operation of our Black Cat Lounge and provides the amazing black cats available for adoption. While HBCM is a for-profit business, the majority of money we make from sales of the products offered goes to cover the cost of maintaining operation of the lounge.

 Each week brings new cats and often unique challenges to out little microcosm of magical cat rescue. There is excitement and joy, sadness and grief, exhilaration and triumph – sometimes all in the same day! Rescue work is not for the faint of heart, as sometimes it calls for really tough decisions that are heartbreaking. However, the fierce joy we all experience when a cat finds the perfect home is undeniable.

HBCM is the very first model of its kind, one that blends a metaphysical supply storefront with an opportunity to hang out with in a lounge where 12 black cats reside. The vibe is often pretty chill, interspersed with periods of cat play that could be described as… Well, purrfect!

The 12 black cats in residence in the lounge are all available for adoption and are only some of the cats available in the rescue. They are carefully selected for their amiability, their willingness to share space with humans and other cats, and socialization needs. Each cat has its own story, and has found its way to us in ways that are often so very feline and magical.

As our black cats find their forever families, new residents are introduced. Visitors to the lounge often marvel at how well the resident cats get along with each other and ask how we manage that! The truth is that while we carefully evaluate which cats we believe will do well in the lounge environment, the cats themselves are very good at sorting themselves out. And sometimes we get it wrong!

On occasion, a cat we think will do well in the lounge, ends up being too disruptive to the general order of the lounge. Sometimes it can be difficult to know whether a cat will adjust to sharing space with eleven other cats. Cats that have come from colonies, been in the shelter system for a long time, or those from multiple cat households often tend to adjust well. Cats that have found their way to us from single or two cat households sometimes find it too challenging to share space with other cats. Every cat is different and they all operate on their own timeline.

So, we invite you to share in the joy, the grief, and overall wonder of the weekly happenings of HBCM. We can promise you that there is no place on earth quite like it! Every day brings new stories, magical experiences, and frequently, new cats!

Welcome to the madness that is magical cat rescue!